Not-For-Profit: Accounting for Non-Accountants and Treasurers Roles
Wed 4 May 9:00am - 12:30pm
Training Room, Business South Inc, Level 3, 442 Moray Place, Dunedin
This combination course will equip you with the tools you need to be an effective treasurer, including  providing you with a better understanding of Financial Tools and Terminology. 

Delivery: Via Zoom or in the Business South, Training Room, Level 3, 442 Moray Place, Dunedin

Accounting For Non-Accountants

Content includes:
  • Documents and records required
  • Accounting terminology
  • Accounting basics
  • Keeping a cashbook
  • Monthly reporting
  • Annual reporting
  • What you can expect from an audit

Treasurers roles, risks & responsibilities

Treasurers of “Not for Profits” are often “roped" into a role in which they are unfamiliar.The Charity, Sports Club, Society or interest group is a virtual “business”, with many inherent business risks.  The Treasurer must be aware of these risks in order to enable him/her to carry out their role and responsibilities properly.
The risks to the Treasurer who doesn’t appreciate the role may be personal liability, fines, ridicule or damaged reputation. 

With success in the operation of your organisation comes the reward of successful and growing membership and the satisfaction of a job well done.  The Treasurer’s role in this is significant, as financial control and direction are essential to any successful organisation.

This seminar will assist you to appreciate the Treasurer’s role, the risks, and the rewards of your organisation.

Presenter:  Andrew Hamilton, Hamilton Nicholson Ltd Chartered Accountants

Please note:
Not for Profit organisations, clubs and their members qualify for Not for Profit subsidised workshops.  Please provide us with the name of the Not for Profit organisation or club when you register.  For a full refund to be given, cancellation must be received no less than 48 hours prior to the workshop date.
Any other organisations can attend the training but will be required to pay the full commercial rate of $395 incl. GST.
Payments can be made online to Westpac #03 0905 0350585 000 | Visa and MasterCard payments are accepted.
For details and other training options, call the training team on 03 479 0181 or email
Not for Profit
Commercial Rate
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