Dunedin Leadership Academy starting 30 August 2024
Fri 30 August 9:00am - Fri 18 October 11:00am
Board Room, Business South Inc, Level 3, 442 Moray Place, Dunedin
The participant, at the completion of the eight experiential and reflective learning sessions, will have a good understanding of what is required to be a significant leader in their own organisation and in the wider business community.

Each of the eight sessions is led by significant Otago based businesses or other organisations. Participants will benefit from the opportunity to interact with the presenters and build an ongoing connection with them and active engagement in dialogue is expected. Groups are limited to a maximum of 12 participants.

For more information, read our brochure. 
 Date  Presenter  Topic
 30 August  David Kiddey  Leading from behind
  6 September  Amy Scott  Communicate to connect
 13 September  Cheryl Adams  Governance Engagement Leadership
 20 September  Dean Delaney  Your People and Culture
 27 September  Kate Logan  The link to emotional intelligence and successful leadership.
  4 October  Dougal McGowan  Ethical & Moral Leadership
 11 October  Richard Roberts  Values-Based Leadership
 18 October  Lloyd Ma'ole  The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Dates:  Fridays - 30 August to 18 October (1 session per week)
Time:  9.00am to 11.00am
Location:  Business South, Level 3, 442 Moray Place, Dunedin

Members:  $1,500.00 (excl. GST)
Non-Members:  $1,725.00 (excl. GST)

If you have any questions, please contact us:
Phone: 03 479 0181
Email:  training@business-south.org.nz 

This workshop is registered with the Management Capability Development Fund programme.

Small businesses may qualify for help pay for services such as training workshops, courses and coaching that build the management capabilities of their owners, operators and key managers.

A business where the Growth Advisors have identified a need for management training as part of an action plan to support the business owner to grow and innovate their business. For more information on the Management Capability Development Fund or to find your local Growth Advisor go to: www.regionalbusinesspartners.co.nz
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